knowing that what we think, and what we say becomes what we do, and who we are.

The purpose of this blog is to:

1. Identify and record drawing and painting ideas and goals

2. Share these discoveries with others

3. Receive feedback, constructive criticism, as well as offer

4. Search for collaboration opportunities

Friday, May 27, 2011

May 27! part II

This was the tag board I was carrying, wildstyle lettering, but I would like some feedback on how to color, add highlights, and finisht the glow around the lettering.  Any help would be appreciated!  Done with sharpies, posca markers, and hardcore markers.
-the Minneapolis millionaire (so rich in love, could buy a house)

May 27!

If you were handed one of these last evening, you are in the right blogspot.  Please take a look at the art work on this blog, if you have questions, please let me know!


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

May 18th!

Dear MLGers of the Twin Cities,

Here is some scrawl, please check it.  There is a painter from Kyoto who flourished during the mid 1700's. His name is Ito Jakuchu, and he painted a series entitled "Animals and Plants in color"

By creating a series with a consistent theme, he was able to develope and express an aesthetic and philosophical ideal.  Natural beauty, heroic dignity, and even greatness within the very small are expressed clearly due to his excellence in brushwork.

I feel keeping a sketchbook allows our subconscious thought currents to become more apparent. Here's a sketch from the past coupla weeks.