knowing that what we think, and what we say becomes what we do, and who we are.

The purpose of this blog is to:

1. Identify and record drawing and painting ideas and goals

2. Share these discoveries with others

3. Receive feedback, constructive criticism, as well as offer

4. Search for collaboration opportunities

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

April 5th

Woke up this morning after an amazing day yesterday!  Had some seriously good time to be with family, reflect on my own, exercise, work on art, and meet some buds late later.  What was cool about meeting my friends was the idea they put out about having a "Mendota stock."

Basically involving the local businesses and bands to come together in this sleepy suburban neighborhood and do something to bring the community out and to get together.

What's cool about talking ideas like these and others, then writing them down in this blog allows the idea to take a step further down the conceptualization line.  My friend N was like, "We get bands to sell tickets, approach Theresa's, Tommy Chicago's, the Moose, and Lucky's, and we've got a great event cooking."

Seeing an opportunity, and taking action --- really empowering!  I gotta write about the stars though!
As I walked home, they were so exceptionally bright!  It was a reminder that life, and the world around us is such a miracle!  I was struck that millions of light years away, these stars are shining brightly like our Sun.  And that we, living our daily lives, are navigating the Universe on this rotating planet we call home; Mother (ship) Earth.

It was really humbling...and I know and continue to strive for what I believe in!  Drawing tonight at the Minneapolis Atelier!   Great place if ya don't know, now ya do!

Until tmrrow STart SEEing GraFFIti!


  1. Hey Hey, this from my big sis C,

    I'm posting it here because this blog's creation was sparked at a moment in life of transition, a pivotal turning point. Enjoy!

    Subject: Fellowship of the Ding-a-lings


    *There and Back Again, a RPCV's Tale*


    Surviving Through Russia with Leanne, Ramsey, Meg,
    Steph, Josh, and Josh's Brother, Pic


    "God Help God's Country"


    BOOK 1:

    Well shit, y'all. You *know* I ain't no poet, but
    Godhelpme, even Dickensen or Frost couldn't avoid the
    metaphor for the ice-cream truck situation as we left
    Ulaanbaatar back two weeks ago on June the 22nd!! My was POURING rain that day...that day we left
    Mongolia for good...our WORLD ENDED (as we knew it)
    and after we hugged our remaining friends goodbye
    there at the Chinggis Restaurant, the seven of us were
    herded into the back of an ice cream truck and the
    door sealed us in, without light, without proper a coffin...our life in Mongolia ended.
    Or was it like a our life in Russia together
    was about to begin? My Lord, it was...surreal. I
    felt torn apart that day, yet it was oddly appropriate
    that the last moments I'd spend in Ulaanbaatar would
    be in the back of a truck in the rain without being
    able to catch one last glimpse of
    home for the past year. It was certainly over!

    And today, it's almost two weeks after that...I'm
    sitting at this posh little internet cafe in Moscow--a
    city more exciting than I'd ever imagined it could
    be--and trying to piece together the past two weeks of
    our trip. This trip I imagined months and months
    ago...and now here we are...experiencing it. And I'm
    trying not to look back too much....

    This is a perfect way to return back to America.

    Let me go that rainy Saturday in UB. We
    celebrated our last supper with the folks at the
    Chinggis...had my last 5500 tugrig steak and two tom
    xap peeves. It was actually humid out! We hugged
    goodbye to the folk, we stepped into the dark maw of
    the ice-cream mashine, and headed off one last time

    ...the Peace Corps Office...

    We had things to pick up that we totally forgot to
    pick up. Like Leanne and Steph's clothes...and my new
    sunglasses. But we forgot them. I got out of the
    truck and stepped into the Peace corps office for one
    last time. It was Saturday so no one was really
    there. I walked into the mail/TV room one last time
    and it was like I'd already left. Tried to soak in
    the fact that I had 3 years of memories in those now
    empty far back as my first year...coming
    into town from Hovsgol and screaming in the hall when
    I saw Annie again...and Mary and Sara and Ian and
    Legler and all the folks...dear Lord. And then to
    think of it in my third year as a regular there in the
    office...coming down to chat with folks watching
    TV...or to meet for lunch (if I wasn't taking too long
    upstairs with this or that which I usually was...gotta
    keep up that reputation....) Za za.

    I looked around one last time and skipped out of the
    office and back into the truck. We continued on to
    the train station and then got seen off in the rainy
    confusion by Bold, Carlee, her beau, and Leanne's
    teachers...the moment had finally come. I was a
    little choked up. Jesus, three years! Look around.
    I've become really...comfortable here...Mongolia.

  2. PS, this is only part, if you want more, post your e-mail addy here and I can give ya the rest!
